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캠퍼스영어 설문조사로 선정한 대학생들이 말하고 싶은 영어

I’m not sure how to quote the figures from this semester’s TOEIC scores.[ 2024. 04. 23 ]

A : I’m not sure how to quote the figures from this semester’s TOEIC scores.

B : No problem. Just show the percentage differences between this and last semester.

A : 이번 학기의 토익 평균 점수를 환산하는 방법을 잘 모르겠어요

B : 작년보다 초과한 것에 대해 퍼센트로 기입하면 돼.

You need to reserve the projector before using it. / You need to make a reservation to use the projector.[ 2024. 04. 22 ]

A : You need to reserve the projector before using it. / You need to make a reservation to use the projector.

B : Okay.

A : 프로젝터 사용을 예약해 두는 게 어때?

B : 네.